Free Online Bible Classes | Where Do I Start?
Where do I start?

Where Do I Start?

Biblical Training Seal

Step 1: Create an account

Please create your free account and login. This will enable you to listen to the audio lectures and view the video lectures at no charge. It will also allow the facilitator to set up a private group that the members can then join.

Step 2: Choose a Seminar, Class, or Program

All the seminars are geared for a general audience, and they work great in a small group setting.

If you want to study a class, be sure to pick one at the right educational level. Our classes are organized into two programs.

  • Foundations: core classes for the majority of the people in your church
  • Institute: graduate-level classes

Most people start with Foundations, even those who have attended church for years. Here are some questions to help you select the right level. Click the green icon in the upper right of the window to search for specific topics, or click here to browse all the classes.


These classes are for people who answer "Yes" to most of these questions.

  • I am a new follower of Jesus.
  • I don't feel like I have been taught the Bible.
  • Even though I have gone to church for years, I am still not sure of what the Bible teaches or what I believe.
  • I do not know where the book of Hezekiah is.
  • I am not sure what a "Study Bible" is.


These classes are for people who would answer "Yes" to most of these questions.

  • I have attended the Foundations classes.
  • I have attended a church for several years where the pastor teaches the Bible every Sunday.
  • I read my Bible at least three times a week.
  • I use my study Bible once a week.
  • I feel the need to organize my theological beliefs.
  • I am a pastor or missionary.
  • I have had some formal education in Bible and Theology.
  • I have consistently studied my Bible in depth for several years.
  • I am committed to serious study.
  • I have several commentaries on multiple books of the Bible.
Biblical Training Seal

Step 3: Enroll (for Facilitators and Small Groups)

1. If you are wanting to lead or attend a small group, find the class or seminar you want to study. If you are unsure about facilitating a class, you can attend our three-hour seminar on Learning to Lead a Small Group.

2. The facilitator needs to enroll in the class/seminar first and set up a private group (more).

3. The group members need to enroll in the class and the privatre group (more).

Step 3: Enroll (for Individuals)

If you prefer to study on your own, we still encourage you to enroll so that you have full access to whatever resources we have developed. Be sure to select the first option when enrolling. Click here for a video to show you how this is done.


Step 4: Attend all the Lectures in the Class

Our encouragement is to commit to attending all the lecture in a class. There is great value is being systematic, working through all the lectures, from the first class to the last. 

If you have chosen to attend a class, when done we encourage you to attend the remaining classes in that program.

To download the audio and listen on your phone, get our app ( iOS | Android).


Biblical Training Seal

Please donate

BiblicalTraining is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) and relies solely on the generosity of our users. Please donate to keep our classes free. Here is some information on why you should donate and the costs of running BiblicalTraining. You can donate online or through the mail. There are also other creative ways to support our work that don't cost you anything, such as through Shop & Support or doing your own fundraising.

Biblical Training Seal

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. There are no assignments or tests to go with the lectures. Only the classes in the certificates section have online quizzes.
  2. We do not offer seminary or college credits at this time. However, Okanagan Bible College offers online mentoring and uses the courses on as the basis for their curriculum. They offer theological degrees (credits are transferable)  and give you the opportunity to be trained within the context of your local church.
  3. All classes and resources are available to you at no charge unless you choose to enroll in one of the Certificates or Diplomas that will give you access to an online multiple choice quiz for each lecture and a printed certificate upon completion. [You can view the Certificates page by clicking here.]
  4. You may begin a class any time and complete it at your own pace.
Biblical Training

The BiblicalTraining app gives you access to 2,300 hours of instruction (129 classes and seminars). Stream the classes, or download and listen to them offline. Share classes via social media, email, and more.