Pitfalls of Leadership, by Dr. John Iamaio | Free Online Biblical Library

Pitfalls of Leadership, by Dr. John Iamaio

An elder or leader in the local church faces pitfalls that can destroy or at the least hinder his service for the Lord.

Listen as Dr. John Iamaio, teacher and counselor, help us understand those pitfalls and how to deal with them. John is a licensed Christian counselor with the American Association of Christian Counselors.

We are thankful for Dr. Iamaio's willingness to share these lectures with us. Copyright 2014 by Biblical Eldership Resources. Used with Permission. For more teaching on the topic of leadership, please visit www.biblicaleldership.com.

Class Transcriptions:

Lecture 1:
Pitfalls of Leadership (part 1)

Consistent time in the Scripture and close relationship with at least one or two other spiritual men are important elements of leadership.


Lecture 2:
Pitfalls of Leadership (part 2)

Avoid taking the role of elder lightly and cultivate realistic expectations from yourself and others.


Lecture 3:
Pitfalls of Leadership (part 3)

Two strategies to help you avoid pitfalls of leadership are to deal with temptation aggressively and listen to your wife carefully.

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