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Information for Transcriptionists
- While the transcriptions should follow the spoken lecture, they do not have to be exact. The transcriptions need to stand on their own, and many people do not speak like they write. In other words, make the speaker a better writer than his words suggest. People may also be reading along as they listen, so don't stray too far from the spoken word.
- You can take out any strange verbal comments. Remember, people will read these who are not listening to the lecture, so it needs to read well. But don't go overboard. People will know these are transcriptions, so some verbal stuff is okay.
- Biblical references should be shortened, e.g., Romans chapter 1 verse 17, should be shortened to Romans 1:17.
- Any major word processor works. File formats can be .txt, .rtf, .doc, .docx, .pages.
- Only one space is needed after sentences. It is best to put just one blank line between paragraphs.
- Insert paragraph breaks for major thought changes in the lecture.
- If there is an outline on the lecture page, please insert the outline points as headings between paragraphs.
- Spell out numbers one through nine (unless preceded by # or No., e.g., #2 or No. 8).
- Abbreviations are fine for Bible versions and books of the Bible (see tables below).
- No caps on "he" for God.
- Capitalize: Bible, Scripture, Old Testament, New Testament
- Commas and periods should be placed inside of quotation marks ("Like this," – "Not this",).
- Commas should be placed before the beginning of a quote, e.g., He said, "I went to the store."
- If you think you got the transcription right, but you aren't 100% sure, just leave it in red and we will notice those sections.
- If you need help, you can contact Susan Coleman at admin@biblicaltraining.org.
- Send each completed lecture to admin@biblicaltraining.org.
- Here is a link to free software that some have found very helpful in the transcription process - Express Scribe.
Modern Versions
ASV | American Standard Version |
CEV | Contemporary English Version |
ESV | English Standard Version |
GNB | Good News Bible |
KJV | King James Version |
LB | Living Bible |
NASB | New American Standard Bible |
NET | New English Translation |
NIV | New International Version |
NKJV | New King James Version |
NRSV | New Revised Standard Version |
RSV | Revised Standard Version |
TEV | Today’s English Version (= Good News Bible) |
Old Testament
Gen | Genesis | Song | Song of Solomon | |
Exod | Exodus | Isa | Isaiah | |
Lev | Leviticus | Jer | Jeremiah | |
Num | Numbers | Lam | Lamentations | |
Deut | Deuteronomy | Ezek | Ezekiel | |
Josh | Joshua | Dan | Daniel | |
Judg | Judges | Hos | Hosea | |
Ruth | Ruth | Joel | Joel | |
1–2 Sam | 1–2 Samuel | Amos | Amos | |
1–2 Kgs | 1–2 Kings | Jonah | Jonah | |
1–2 Chr | 1–2 Chronicles | Obad | Obadiah | |
Ezra | Ezra | Mic | Micah | |
Neh | Nehemiah | Nah | Nahum | |
Esth | Esther | Hab | Habakkuk | |
Job | Job | Zeph | Zephaniah | |
Ps/Pss | Psalms | Hag | Haggai | |
Prov | Proverbs | Zech | Zechariah | |
Eccl | Ecclesiastes | Mal | Malachi |
New Testament
Matt | Matthew | 1–2 Thess | 1–2 Thessalonians | |
Mark | Mark | 1–2 Tim | 1–2 Timothy | |
Luke | Luke | Titus | Titus | |
John | John | Phlm | Philemon | |
Acts | Acts | Heb | Hebrews | |
Rom | Romans | Jas | James | |
1–2 Cor | 1–2 Corinthians | 1–2 Pet | 1–2 Peter | |
Gal | Galatians | 1–2–3 John | 1–2–3 John | |
Eph | Ephesians | Jude | Jude | |
Phil | Philippians | Rev | Revelation | |
Col | Colossians |