Systematic Theology I, by Dr. Bruce Ware | Free Online Biblical Library

Systematic Theology I, by Dr. Bruce Ware


Lecture 1:

An introduction to theology, answering the questions of what is EST (Evangelical Systematic Theology), why study EST, and how it relates to other theological disciplines.

Lecture 2:
Method of Evangelical Theology

Introductory issues of how to do EST and the criteria for assessing theological formulations.

Lecture 3:
Cultural Contextualization; Theological Systems

Issues of cultural Christianity, and the evangelical position of "contextualized normativity."

Theological Systems

Lecture 4:
Calvinism and Arminianism

Begins with a discussion of the background to the discussion (Pelagius, Augustine, Council of Carthage, and semi-Pelagianism), and then a discussion of Luther, Calvin, Arminius, the Synod of Dort and the Five Points of Calvinism.

Lecture 5:
Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism

Their views of Israel and the church

Lecture 6:
Liberalism, Neo-orthodoxy, Evangelicalism

A discussion of these three positions and the key figures in each (Schleiermacher, Ritschl, von Harnack; Barth, Brunner, Niebuhr; Carnell, Henry, Graham)


Lecture 7:
Doctrine of Scripture.

The beginning discussion of revelation and the specifics of General Revelation

Lecture 8:
Special Revelation; Inspiration

A continuation of the discussion of revelation with an emphasis on Special Revelation, moving into the topic of Inspiration (definition and key passages).

Lecture 9:

A survey of the recent debate, defining inerrancy (including the relationship of hermeneutics and inerrancy), and its relationship to authority.

Lecture 10:
Illumination; Canonicity

The definition of illumination, why it is necessary, and how we come to know truth. The criteria for canonicity is then discussed and why the canon is now closed (i.e., why no more books would be accepted into the Bible).

Doctrine of God

Lecture 11:
Theism; Proof of God's Existence

Why there is a need to know God, and "theism" (arguments as to whether there is a God or not).

Lecture 12:
Knowledge of God; the Trinity

Can God be known? The Doctrine of the Trinity (Scriptural basis; historical background; Monarchian heresies)

Lecture 13:
The Trinity

Continuation of the discussion of the Trinity and the church's rejection of Monarchianism

Lecture 14:
Attributes of God (part 1)

Beginning of the discussion of the attributes of God's character, and how the discussion is organized.

Lecture 15:
Attributes of God (part 2)

Love, self-sufficiency. The related doctrines of God's self-sufficiency and his love

Lecture 16:
Attributes of God: Incommunicable (part 1)

God's incommunicable attributes are those that he does not share with us: self-existence; self-sufficiency; infinity; omnipresence; eternity

Lecture 17:
Attributes of God: Incommunicable (part 2)

Completes the discussion of God's incommunicable attributes by discussing immutability, the doctrine that God does not change.

Lecture 18:
Attributes of God: Communicable (part 1)

Discussion of those attributes of God's character that he shares (to some degree) with his creation, beginning with his intellectual attributes (omniscience).

Lecture 19:
Attributes of God: Communicable (part 2)

A continuing discussion of God communicable attributes, both intellectual (Omnisapience; truth) and moral (goodness; love).

Lecture 20:
Attributes of God: Communicable (part 3)

Continuation of the discussion of God's communicable moral attributes (love, grace, mercy; holiness, righteousness, justice) and the attributes of God's rulership (freedom; omnipotence).

Lecture 21:
Sovereignty of God (part 1)

The Scriptural teaching and issues related to this central question

Lecture 22:
Sovereignty of God (part 2)

Hyper-Calvinism, Process Theology, Arminianism, and Calvinism

Lecture 23:
Sovereignty of God (part 3)

Concluding discussion on Calvinism

Lecture 24:

We do not have a recording of this lecture, but Dr. Ware gave us a detailed discussion of the lectures that you can download as a pdf document.

Doctrine of Humanity

Lecture 25:
Introduction and Human Origins 

An introduction to the doctrine of humanity and the doctrine of humanity's origin (Adam and Eve)

Lecture 26:
Human Nature and the Soul 

Theories on the structure of the human soul (Monism, Dichotomy, Trichotomy) and the transmission of the soul (Creationism, Traducianism).

Doctrine of Sin

Lecture 27:
Doctrine of Sin 

Sin is one of the most foundational and significant topics in Scripture. The doctrines of salvation and sanctification are meaningless without an accurate understanding of sin. The Old Testament teaches both the personal and corporate aspects of sin. New Testament teachings include the essence of sin and total depravity.

Lecture 28:
Original Sin 

The facets of the Fall, theories of Original Sin, and God's triumph over sin

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