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The New Testament, by Dr. William Mounce
This class covers the New Testament, its Basic Structure, Content, and Theology.
Lecture 1:
Introduction to the Course.
Lecture 2:
How the Bible was Written
How the Bible was written, emphasizing the issue of trusting the Bible, harmonization, and what is called the "Synoptic Problem."
Lecture 3:
Can We Trust our Bible?
Inspiration, its meaning and scope (inerrancy, plenary inspiration, infallibility), what it does not entail, and why I believe Scripture is inspired.
Lecture 4:
How We Received the Bible
Covers the areas of canonization (how we received the books we have in the New Testament), transmission (how they came to us through the centuries), and translations (why are there so many and why they are different).
Life of Christ
Lecture 5:
Mark 1-5
We begin the story of Jesus' life by studying the gospel written by Mark, looking at John the Baptist, Jesus' baptism (Messiah; Suffering Servant), the Kingdom of God, people's reaction to Jesus, the Son of Man, and parables.
Lecture 6:
Mark 6-12
Emphasis on Jesus' understanding of discipleship, what it means to "Deny yourself," and how this impacts our understanding of sanctification, perseverance of the saints, and carnality.
Lecture 7:
Mark 11-13
Jesus discusses the signs warning about the destruction of the temple and what will characterize his return to earth at the end of time.
Lecture 8:
Mark 14-16
In this lesson we conclude our study of the gospel of Mark and Jesus' life. We will emphasize Jesus' Last Supper and how the church has understood it, as well as Jesus' death and the theological significance of the "atonement."
Lecture 9:
Matthew 1-5
Having covered the basic story of Jesus' life in Mark, in this lesson we look at two specific teachings in Matthew, namely the virgin birth and its ramifications on our world-view, and the Beatitudes, the first part of the Sermon on the Mount.
Lecture 10:
Matthew 5-7
In this second lesson on Matthew we will finish the Sermon on the Mount with special emphasis on the Lord's Prayer
Lecture 11:
In this lesson we will summarize the gospel written by Luke (temptation, the sinful woman, discipleship) with an emphasis on material that he alone includes (the Parable of the Good Samaritan)
Lecture 12:
John 1-12
We will pay special attention to John's presentation of Jesus as God and the many "proofs" of his divinity (with emphasis on the Prologue and the I Am sayings). We will also talk about John's use of the phrase "believe into."
Lecture 13:
John 13-21
In the second half of John we will focus on the Upper Room Discourse, the nature of servanthood, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus' "High Priestly Prayer."
Early Church
Lecture 14:
Acts 1-12
The first part of Acts is the story of Peter and the expansion of the church from Jerusalem, to Judea, and the beginning of the movement to the ends of the earth. We will also talk about the significance of "tongues" as well as the "kerygma."
Lecture 15:
Acts 13:1-15:35; Galatians
Paul begins his first missionary journey through Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), and writes his letter to the Galatians, and we close with the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15).
Lecture 16:
Acts 15:36-18:22; 1 & 2 Thessalonians
In Paul's Second Missionary Journey he travels through Asia Minor to Corinth. We will look at his two letters to the Thessalonian church with an emphasis on his basic teaching to new converts and Jesus' return.
Lecture 17:
Acts 18:23-21:26; 1 Corinthians 1-6
We will look quickly at Paul's Third Missionary Journey and then center on the first part of his first letter to the Corinthian church as he deals with divisions in the church, immorality, church discipline, and lawsuits.
Rest of Paul's letters
Lecture 18:
1 Corinthians 7-16; 2 Corinthians
There's a lot to cover in this lesson, issues of marriage, divorce, remarriage, spiritual gifts, our resurrection, the intermediate state (what happens to us between death and the final judgment), and finally the whole issue of money and giving.
Lecture 19:
Romans 1-4
Introduction to the letter, and discussion of Paul's doctrine of sin, salvation, righteousness, and faith.
Lecture 20:
Romans 5-11
Discussion of life after conversion (reconciliation, sin, sanctification, the Holy Spirit), and the relationship between Jews and Gentiles
Lecture 21:
Romans 12-16
Paul's discussion of the ethics of the Christian life, a Christian's relationship to the government, and a final discussion of "weak" and "strong" Christians
Lecture 22:
Acts 21:27-28:31; Ephesians
A quick discussion of Paul's arrest and series of imprisonments, and then an in-depth look at Ephesians with an emphasis on our spiritual blessings, salvation, and Paul's call to walk in love.
Lecture 23:
Philippians is a joyous book, giving us a glimpse of Paul's prayer life and his call for unity in the church. The "Christ Hymn" in chapter 2 receives special attention.
Lecture 24:
Colossians & Philemon
Again Paul is concerned to teach on the nature of Christ with an emphasis on his full deity as opposed to the Colossian superstition. Philemon gives us a glance into the world of slavery and what Paul really thought of it.
Lecture 25:
Pastoral Epistles
The Pastoral Epistles show us how to deal with heresy and addresses the issues of men and women in ministry and also that of leadership.
General Epistles
Lecture 26:
Hebrews contains two basic charges -- the supremacy of Christ over all, and the necessity of Christians persevering in their Christian walk.
Lecture 27:
James is full of practical advice. It is especially concerned to show that changed people live in a changed way, and also addresses the topics of pain and suffering, temptation and sin, and the tongue.
Lecture 28:
1 & 2 Peter; Jude
Peter calls his people to be faithful in their commitment to Christ especially in the midst of suffering, all the while encouraging them to keep an eye on the future and what lies ahead.
Johannine Literature
Lecture 29:
1, 2 & 3 John
John is especially concerned to discuss the role of ongoing sin in the life of a believer, the assurance Christians have of their salvation, and the command to love.
Lecture 30:
Instead of being concerned with the identity of specific events happening at the end of time, we should primarily be concerned with these central truths: it is going to get worse, we must continue to be faithful, and in the end Jesus (and we) win.
Statement of Faith
Lecture 31:
Statement of Faith
We have been using the Statement of Faith to determine what we talk about in the New Testament. You have now seen every part of the Statement in its Biblical context. To conclude, we walk through the Statement to make sure it's meaning is clear.