Introduction to Public Speaking, by Dr. Bryan Chapell | Free Online Biblical Library

Introduction to Public Speaking, by Dr. Bryan Chapell

Dr. Bryan Chapell talks about the basics of putting a sermon together, and his advice works for public speaking in general. This is a summary version of the full course.

Lecture 1:
The Heart of a Christ-centered Message

If we speak with the voice of Jesus, it is important that we speak the message of Jesus throughout the whole of scripture. The goal is to understand how all Scripture focuses on Christ. This is the unifying principle that binds all Scripture together.

Lecture 2:
The Hands of a Christ-centered Message

How do we look at Scripture and see a redemptive message everywhere we turn? The goal is to understand how to interpret Scripture so as to communicate the Christ who is there. Our messages must proclaim that all is a result of God's grace, both salvation and sanctification.

Lecture 3: 
Theology of Change

How do Christ-centered messages effect change in the way we live our lives each day? We obey God because we love him, not to avoid punishment or to get things from him. Threatening people with punishment or enticing them with "stuff" cause people to respond to God out of selfish motivations. Encouraging people to obey God because of our love for Him and gratefulness for His love for us produces holiness. If grace is not put into the equation of human works and divine acceptance, then legalism or moralism results. The rules don't change but the reason we obey changes. We motivate by grace, not by guilt.

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