Biblical Theology, by. Drs. Van Pelt, Blomberg & Schreiner | Free Online Biblical Library

Biblical Theology, by. Drs. Van Pelt, Blomberg & Schreiner

This three-part class will walk you through the theology of the Old Testament (by Dr. Miles Van Pelt), the Gospels (by Dr. Craig Blomberg), and then Paul and the rest of the New Testament (by Dr. Thomas Schreiner). As opposed the Systematic Theology, Biblical Theology asks the question of what a particular book, or group of books, teach on different topics, showing emphases of the different parts of Scripture.

Old Testament

Lecture 1: 
Overview of OT Theology

How to think about and interpret the Old Testament

Lecture 2: 
The Purpose-Driven Bible

How to explain in 30 seconds the contents and message of the Bible in a way that is meaningful and informative.

Lecture 3: 
Order of the OT Books: Hebrew vs. English

The order of the books in Hebrew Bibles is different from the English Old Testament because of the criteria used when putting them together.

Lecture 4: 
The Hebrew Order Teaches Covenant

The order of the books in the Hebrew Bible helps us understand God's covenant.

Lecture 5: 
Order and Structure of the Books in the Writings 

The twelve books in the Writings are divided into two groups of six. The first six books are about covenant life. The latter six books are about life in exile.

Lecture 6: 
Structure of the Christian Bible

When the books of the Old Testament are ordered according to canon and covenant, they also correspond to the order of the books in the New Testament.

Lecture 7: 
Seams in the Canonical and Covenantal Structure 

There is thematic organization through the Old Testament canon and massive correspondence to the arrangement of the books in the New Testament.


Lecture 8: 
Common Theological Themes in the Synoptic Gospels 

Common themes in the synoptic Gospels are the "kingdom of God," and a shift from the "old covenant" to the "new covenant." The ultimate question Jesus asks is will we choose to be a part of his kingdom?

Lecture 9: 
The Ethics of the Kingdom of God 

A description of the teachings of Jesus, showing they were in contrast to what was promoted in the culture, as well as how there was continuity to the teachings of the Torah.

Lecture 10: 
Christology in the Synoptics: What Jesus Thought About Himself

Jesus claimed to be God by the titles he used to refer to himself, by what he said and did, and by dying and then coming back to life. The Gospels record that the evidence for the divinity of Jesus was so overwhelming, that even Jews who had a strong tradition in worshiping one God who is a spirit, were compelled to worship Jesus as God, even though he was a man.

Lecture 11: 
Distinctive Theologies in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew

The Gospel of Mark focuses on Jesus as miracle worker, prophet and suffering servant. Matthew focuses on Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. The Gospel of Matthew includes much of Mark's material as well as some accounts that are unique to Matthew.

Lecture 12: 
Distinctive Theologies in the Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of Luke has much in common with the Gospels of Mark and Matthew. Luke emphasizes Jesus' compassion for people who were outcasts and writes as a historian, with attention to detail.

Lecture 13: 
Distinctive Theologies in the Gospel of John

John is the most unique of the four Gospels. He emphasizes that Jesus is both fully God and fully man. "Belief" is a key word for John because it means more to him than just mental assent.


Lecture 14: 
Centrality of Christ and God in Paul's Theology

Two of the themes Paul emphasizes throughout his epistles are the glory of God in Christ and God being magnified in Christ. Paul preaches to both Jews and Gentiles and emphasizes these truths in a way that each group can understand. He also explains God's call on his life and the authority God has given him to preach the gospel.

Lecture 15: 
Paul's Teaching on Sin 

The core idea of sin is refusing to honor and praise God. This is in contrast to the central theme in Paul's theology, which is knowing God in Christ. Jesus calls us to acknowledge him as Lord by our words and actions.

Lecture 16: 
The Lordship of Christ 

The resurrection and ascension of Jesus demonstrated that Jesus is Lord. Philippians 2:6-11 and Colossians 1:15-20 are passages that teach that Jesus is both fully man and fully God. Justification means that God declares the wicked to be righteous. God provides salvation as a free gift so He is exalted because of what He has done.

Lecture 17: 
Election and the Christian Life

Election excludes works as a reason for God choosing you. God's calling always results in salvation. God's calling is a tremendous example of his love for you. Paul encourages people to live the Christian life by being filled with the Holy Spirit. He also emphasizes the importance of persevering to the end.

Lecture 18: 
Live for the Glory of God 

Paul's letters contain commands about some specific behaviors as well as general exhortations to be filled with the Holy Spirit and act out of a motivation of love. Paul also addresses baptism, the Lord's Supper, leaders in the Church, church discipline, women in ministry and the resurrection and the age to come.

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