52 Major Stories of the Bible, by Dr. William Mounce
The Pentateuch
Lecture 1:
Creation and God
Genesis 1 is one of the foundational chapters in the entire Bible. It not only tells us how everything was started, but it establishes the basic teaching on who God is and who we are in reference to him. Instead of arguing about secondary issues like history and science, Genesis 1 should turn our eyes up toward the heavens, marveling at the majesty of God.
Lecture 2:
Creation and Us
In the sixth day of creation we learn that people are the apex of creation, stamped with the image of God. This is the source of human dignity, and it is why we pursue spiritual growth, so we will look more like him.
Lecture 3:
The Fall
Genesis chapter 3 describes how Adam and Eve sinned, the consequences that resulted and the promise of a redeemer.
Lecture 4:
The Flood. Genesis 6-9
Lecture 5:
Abraham's Covenant. Genesis 12:1-15:6
Lecture 6:
Joseph. Genesis 37-50.
Lecture 7:
Moses and the Plagues. Exodus 7:14 - Exodus 10.
Lecture 8:
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments are not rules to follow but give form and structure to how our love for God (the Shema) should manifest itself in how we treat God and others.
Lecture 9:
The Presence of God. Exodus 33
Lecture 10:
The Holiness of God. Leviticus
Lecture 11:
Sold Out to God, (The Shema). Deuteronomy
Lecture 12:
Faith is not Genetic
Judges shows the necessity of covenant renewal, how each generation must decide for itself if it will follow God. Once the Israelites were given the Promised Land, for the most part they failed to renewed the covenant and failed to receive the blessings from God.
Lecture 13:
God is King. I Samuel
Lecture 14:
David and Goliath
This is not a story concerned primarily with a young man defeating a great warrior (I Samuel 16-17). It is an account of how faith propels us to trust God, not matter what the appearances.
The Writings
Lecture 15:
God's Provision and Protection (Psalm 23)
Psalm 23 is David's cry of faith that his Shepherd will provide and protect him in all situations, and that God is lavish in his love for his sheep.
Lecture 16:
Confrontation and Confession (Psalm 51)
Psalm 51 gives a pattern for true biblical confession, which admits our own guilt and God's justice, makes no excuses, and appeals not to our good works but to God's mercy.
Lecture 17:
The Wise and Foolish (Solomon)
Solomon was the wisest of all people, and yet he died a fool because he ignored his own advice. It is not enough to know the truth; you have to do it.
Lecture 18:
Suffering and Faith in God (Job). Job 1:1-42:3
The Prophets
Lecture 19:
Elijah and Syncretism. I Kings 14 - 18
Lecture 20:
Isaiah and the Holiness of God. Isaiah 6:1-8
Lecture 21:
Isaiah and the Suffering Servant. Isaiah 52 - 53
Lecture 22:
Micah, Judgment, and Salvation. Micah 1-3
Lecture 23:
Hosea and Unfaithfulness to God. Hosea 1:2 - 13:6
Lecture 24:
Habakkuk, Righteousness, and Faith . Habakkuk 1:2 - 3:18
Lecture 25:
The New Covenant
Jeremiah and Ezekiel prophesied before and during the exile, preaching God's judgment as well as his promise of hope. The hope was the New Covenant where God's law would be written on the person's heart and empowered through the work of God's Spirit.
Lecture 26:
Lamentations, Confession and Faith
Authentic Confession and Faith.
Life of Christ
Lecture 27:
The Birth of Jesus
Lecture 28:
John the Baptist
Lecture 29:
Nicodemus and Rebirth
The necessity of being born again.
Lecture 30:
How we are to live.
Lecture 31:
The Lord's Prayer
How we are to pray.
Lecture 32:
Seeking God
The most important thing to do, ever.
Lecture 33:
The Deity of Christ
Lecture 34:
Lecture 35:
The Greatest Commandment
Lecture 36:
What will happen at the end of time?
Lecture 37:
The Holy Spirit
Lecture 38:
The Lord's Supper
Lecture 39:
Jesus' Death and Resurrection
Lecture 40:
The Great Commission
The Early Church and Paul
Lecture 41:
Lecture 42:
The Church
Lecture 43:
Justification by Faith
Lecture 44:
The Grace of Giving
Lecture 45:
Christian Joy
Lecture 46:
Lecture 47:
Lecture 48:
Assurance and Preservation: Hebrews
Lecture 49:
The Tongue. James
Lecture 50:
Suffering and Heaven. I Peter
Lecture 51:
Christian Love. I John.
Lecture 52: