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The Inaugurated Kingdom

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Two chief characteristics of true membership in the Inaugurated kingdom: repentence over sin and offering forgiveness. 


XVII. Israel’s Idolatry with respect to the Law Will Bring a Curse on Them, Which Will Lead to the Salvation of the Gentiles.

A. Matthew 13 relates back to Isaiah 6.

B. Israel of Jesus’ day was idolatrous because she had worshipped tradition in place of God and his word.

C. Therefore, Matthew 15 and other related texts show that Jesus’ application of Isaiah 6:9-10 to his Israelite contemporaries indicated that what had happened in Isaiah’s day was happening again; Israel was being judged for her idolatry, committing herself to something else besides God.

XVIII. Jesus Warns the Disciples Not to Evaluate Him by the Worldly Standards of the Pharisees but by a Christocentric Lens.

XIX. Therefore, the Disciples Should Perceive That Jesus is the “Son of Man” and the “Son of God”.

XX. The Disciples Should Perceive How Jesus is Going to Accomplish Ironically His Mission as “Son of Man” and as “Son of God”.

XXI. John the Baptist as Fulfilling the Prophecy of Elijah’s Promised Coming to Restore “All Things” and His Death As the Precursor to Jesus the Messiah’s Coming to do the Same and to Die.

XXII. Jesus Continues to Conquer the Promised Land with His Newly Organized Israelite Army.

XXIII. Entrance (and Status) into the Inaugurated Kingdom

XXIV. Two Chief Characteristics of True Membership in the Inaugurated Kingdom: Repentance over Sin and Offering Forgiveness

XXV. The Pharisee’s Testing Question About Marriage and the Inbreaking New Creation

XXVI. The Rich Young Ruler and Entrance into Eternal Life and Kingdom of Heaven

XXVII. Status in the Kingdom is Bestowed by Pure Divine Grace.

XXVIII. Jesus Continues to Heal in Continuing to Restore Israel.

XXIX. Jesus Presents Himself as a Latter King David in Entering Jerusalem on a Donkey.

XXX. Jesus Announces Formal Judgment on Israel.

XXXI. The Religious Leaders Demonstrate Their Unbelieving and Apostate Attitude, for which They Deserve Judgment, by Trying to “Trap” Christ into Making a Heretical Statement by Which they could Condemn Him as a False Teacher.

XXXII. Jesus Pronounces on the Scribes and Pharisees Judgmental Woes for Their Unbelief and Willful Disobedience; He Announces that the End of National Israel as God’s People has come.

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