Free Online Bible Classes | Certificate in World Religions & Evangelism

Certificate in World Religions & Evangelism

Dr. Timothy Tennent, President of Asbury Theological Seminary walks you through an overview of three of the major world religions and shares approaches to evangelism in light of each belief system. You will also learn some essential facts from Dr. Gordon Isaac concerning church history from the early church, through the reformation, the Great Awakening, and the modern-day church.


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Essentials of World Missions Timothy Tennent
Dr. Timothy Tennent
An introduction to Christian missions.
Understanding the New Testament Craig Blomberg
Dr. Craig Blomberg
Overview of New Testament themes.
Essentials of the Old Testament Douglas Stuart
Dr. Douglas Stuart
Basic overview of the entire Old Testament.
Understanding Theology Bruce Ware
Dr. Bruce Ware
An overview of Genesis through Malachi.
Essentials of Church History Gordon Isaac
Dr. Gordon Isaac
A summary of church history.
Essentials of Buddhism Timothy Tennent
Dr. Timothy Tennent
Basic teaching of Buddhism.
Essentials of Hinduism Timothy Tennent
Dr. Timothy Tennent
A summary of Hindu beliefs.
Essentials of Islam Timothy Tennent
Dr. Timothy Tennent
A summary of Islam.
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